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Results for "judith orloff"
The Spirit of Intuition Discusses the manifold ways individuals can tap into the intuition we all possess.
Dr. Judith Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing Shows how to interweave the intuitive aspects of our lives with practical everyday experiences.
Positive Energy Practices Ways to restore our personal energy and to deal with those who drain us.
Emotional Freedom Practices A helpful and healing compilation of exercises and ideas on how to transform troublesome emotions.
Positive Energy A daily program for unifying spirit, emotions, and body.
Becoming an Intuitive Healer An audio workshop for health practitioners on becoming an intuitive healer.
Use a Mantra Encouragement to find and use a word or phrase that is heartening to you.
Emotional Repair Kit A toolkit for anyone interested in journeying on the path to emotional freedom.
The Ecstasy of Surrender An ambitious book, complete with tools, quizzes, and spiritual exercises, on the path of surrender as a route to a meaningful life.
Emotional Freedom A substantive and illuminating overview of the emotions and their role in the transformation of our lives.